Top private internet access Secrets

Secure Internet Access is a great option to keep your information private while surfing the web. In contrast to other providers, it doesn't collect or save your personal details. You only need your zip code, payment details, and your email address to process your payment. You can also choose to make payments using cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Ethereum. It is very customizable and ideal to those with the technical expertise to avoid compromising their security. Additionally, the service offers encryption using AES-128 and AES-256, two of the most secure levels. Additionally, Private Internet Access is well-known for its policy of no-logging, and even refused to comply with a request by the FBI for data from users.

The servers run by the company are distributed across a variety of nations. There are more than 1500 servers in the globe. In the United States alone has over 1,000 servers. Other countries where it has servers include Canada, the Netherlands, Canada, and Australia. Sweden is the only country with 100 servers. It costs about $700 per year.

As for the speed of operation, Private Internet Access uses several protocols. Certain protocols are more efficient than others and others are more secure than the others. In general, you'll slow down when you're located in an area in which your internet connection isn't as fast. Users most affected include South American, African and Asian. Private Internet Access is available across Europe and North America. The users shouldn't experience any speed issues. The company is constantly updating their servers and constantly improving the speed of its service.

Private Internet Access is a Private Internet Access application is available for Windows and macOS. It's also accessible on iOS as well as Android devices. It's simple to download and provides user-friendly interface. It allows you to connect to any server that you want, look through the settings menu and check the real and virtual IP addresses. The app can connect 10 devices at a time.

To protect your information To safeguard your information, Secure Internet Access employs military-grade encryption. The encryption key it uses is 256 bits and would take hundreds of years to crack. The company is not going to give your private information to other third party. The business follows strict policies against internet site logs and won't share any data with government organizations.

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